Cime -Découpe

Technical means - Hybrid workshop platform

The workshop offers research a wide range of tools in microelectronics :
  • ​Screen printing machine
  • Disco Cutting Machine
  • FlipChip Machine
  • Aluinium wire micro welder
  • Ball-bonding machine....

Screen printing machine - ATMA AT-25 PAB

either pastes or inks in thick layers

FLIP CHIP machine - Microtechnic JPF PP6

Bonding of the flipped chip for an electrical connection either by THERMOCOMPRESSION or THERMOSONIC


Machine for making aluminum micro-welds - WEDGE

with wire is 18µm / 25µm / 33µm / 50µm / 75µm

Machine for making gold bumps - Microtest

with a 25µm wire

Oven - Thermolymer 48000

Heat treatment at 850 ° C to solidify the surface

Hotplate - BIOBLOCK Scientific

(Drying at 125 ° C) to remove the solvent

Diamond Saw Machine

Cutting of different materials: silicon, glass, quartz, lithium niobate, aluminum, etc.