Technical means - Biotechnology

The Biotechnology platform is an approved space for L1 cells.
It covers about 300 square meters and is located at the groud floor of the CIME Nanotech.
The Biotechnology platform consists of :

Vercors room

Molecular biology and biochemistry room of 100 square meters reserved for teaching to 24 students maximum. Benching are fitted with micropipettes, sample racks, vortex and mini centrifuges. Sinks with distilled water circuits are at disposal. The room also contains an area allowing buffer solution preparation, reagants and culture medium thanks to scales, pH-meters and various chemistry products.
Two sorbonnes are here for the extraction of dangerous volatil substances (one for CMR product allowing DNA marking with BEt and the other for toxic products manipulation, excluding CMR).
A projector permit the illustration of classes on a retractable screen with a witheboard.
Blouses are available in the closet, also allowing storing of personnal affairs. Network access is available at various points in the room.

  • Congélateur coffre -20°C et réfrigérateur
  • Sorbonne CMR
  • 4 Equipements SDS PAGE/Western-Blot
  • 4 Electrophorèses ADN
  • pH-métre
  • Balance de précision
  • Révelateur de gels UV et Bet Chemidoc 
  • Thermocycleur PCR
  • Agitateurs magnétiques
  • Concentrateur Speed Vac
  • Centrifugeuses Eppendorf
  • Verrerie

Chartreuse room

This room of 80 square meter with tree block of double benches allow to host 20 students. The microbial culture area contain two PSM to work in sterile conditions and incubators allow bacterias growing. Devices for optical measurments (absorbtion, fluorescence, luminescence) are available in several versions : plate 96 wells, bowls and drops (Nanodrop).
For biochips development, a DNA solutions or peptides (proteins) deposal bot and a fluorescence of glass slides reader are presents.
The platform contain tree potentiostats allowing electrochemistry measurment, and a SPR device in picturing mode to measure molecular interactions.
  • 2 PSM for bactério HELIOS 48
  • 2 incubators
  • Deposal bot Microgrid II
  • Slides reader Genewave
  • Spectrophotometer UV-Visible Gensys 6
  • microplate reader 96 wells Tristar LB-941
  • SPRi-Lab+ (Horiba)
  • Potentiostats Verstat 3F
  • Nanodrop
  • qPCR Bio-Rad
  • microplate reader 96 wells Multiskan EX
  • Sonicateur

The Vercors and Chartreuse rooms are independant but communicate by a door. Two practical works can be dispensed at the same time in the two rooms.

Microscopy room

This room of 20 square meters contain three microscopes with digital camera and PC fitted with picture analysis software. There is two inversed microscopes (10x, 40x, 100x) equipped for fluorescence (FITC, Rhodamine). The third is a regular microscope (10x, 40x, 100x) equipped for fluorescence (CY3, FITC).
  • 2 Olympus CKX41F inversed with fluorescence block and LED lighting 
  • Regular microscope Olympus BX41RF phase-contrast and fluorescence

Eucaryote cell culture room

This 20 square meter room contain two horizontal laminar flow hoods, two CO2 incubator allowing level 1 eucaryote cells culture, one centrifuge and a water-bath.
  • Two cellular culture PSM MSC Advantage
  • Two incubators MIDI 40 with CO2

Preparation room

This 40 square meter room has several fonctions : cells storing in a -80°C freezer, toxic reagants manipulation (hood), sterilisation and preparation of mediums and biological materials (autoclave) and glassware washing. An ice device is also present.

A spinner for "spin-coating" and a UV insolator allow PDMS microfluidic preparation.  An ozone plasma generator is also available. 
  • Autoclave Varioklav
  • Freezer -80°
  • Ice device
  • Variable temperature oven
  • Dishwasher
  • Sorbonne (no CMR)
  • Ozone Cleaner Novascan
  • Insolator-masker UV with LED UV-KUB
  • Cold closet